Behind the Eight Ball is a short mafia film set in 1929, rural Chicago. In a time of prosperity and economic growth, Behind the Eight Ball tells the story of John Price (Peter Sullivan) and his troubled times in a mob-boss run speakeasy. After losing an alcohol payment that was lent to him by the owner of the speakeasy, Roman Chevy (Ron Arthurs), he is suddenly stuck in a sticky situation. It is now up to Mr. Price to repay Roman Chevy while still walking away with his life. |
Ratings: | IMDB: No rating yet | |
Released: | Unknown | |
Genres: | Crime Short | |
Countries: | Australia | |
Companies: | Dunjey Productions | |
Cast: | Peter Sullivan Ron Arthurs Josiah Dunjey | |
Crew: | Peter Sullivan Josiah Dunjey | |
elin : Need to do a re-watch of this masterpiece of a series ๐