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“Raffles,” the gentleman burglar, in private life, Mr. Van Courtlaud Dunbar, went down to the gangsters’ headquarters to impress them with his authority. He had a virtual hypnotic power over criminals of the “Kid Joseph” type, and he succeeded in disarming the gangsters and delivering Ada Taylor. He took the girl to Mrs. Knickerbocker’s, and leaving her with the butler, returned to his apartments. Meanwhile, many notable friends of Mrs. Knickerbocker called to offer their sympathy. Miss Theodora Bean, the writer, was the first to arrive. She had scarcely gone when Mme. Yorska of the Theater Sarah Bernhardt came, and then Miss Florence Reed, the star of “The Yellow Ticket.” As soon as Mrs. Knickerbocker was alone in the drawing room, Ada Taylor presented herself. She excitedly poured out her story of the last few days, and how she had been rescued. Mrs. Knickerbocker lost no time in phoning Dunbar, but her spirits sank when he answered that he had no news for her. A moment after he had hung up the receiver, Dunbar’s eye fell on a headline in the newspaper, “Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Arrives Tomorrow. Creator of Sherlock Holmes, greatest of all detective story writers on visit to New York. Aboard the Olympic.” Mrs. Knickerbocker received a message almost immediately. “Leave everything to me,” said the masterful voice of Dunbar over the wire. “I will find your niece within a week.” Though he explained nothing, Mrs. Knickerbocker was confident. She would spend this interminable time of waiting in making festive preparations for her niece. The next morning she motored down to Miss Kennedy, modiste, and selected several dainty little summer frocks. Then to Thorley’s Fifth Avenue Florists, where she ordered dozens of the most ravishing flowers to be delivered on an hour’s notice any day that Margaret might return. She was so happy and so certain now that she would see the lost child almost any hour, that she even drove down to the office of Dudley Field Malone, Collector of the Port of New York, to tell him the good news. That same morning, Dunbar went down the bay on a revenue cutter to meet the Olympic. He succeeded in gaining access to A. Conan Doyle, and, as a result of their interview, he telegraphed Mrs. Knickerbocker: “I have news that will surely bring your niece back within the week.”

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Ratings: IMDB: 0.0/10
Released: June 15, 1914
Genres: Drama Short
Cast: Mayme Kelso Edward Brennan James Alling Theodora Bean
Crew: John W. Noble

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