An animated short based on Hans Christian Andersen’s tale about a poor young girl with a burning desire to find comfort and happiness in her life. Desperate to keep warm, the girl lights the matches she sells, and envisions a very different life for herself in the fiery flames filled with images of loving relatives, bountiful food, and a place to call home. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 7.9/10 | |
Released: | September 7, 2006 | |
Runtime: | 7 min | |
Genres: | Animation Drama Short | |
Companies: | Walt Disney Animation Studios Walt Disney Pictures | |
Crew: | Roger Allers Hans Christian Andersen Mark Walton Ed Gombert Kevin Harkey Ralph Zondag | |
Lulusbay : So totally Australian I could smell it... made me homesick. Beautiful family story, this ...