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Jerry is seated in the railway station waiting for his train, when a woman approaches him and asks that he hold her baby for a few minutes. Jerry does her the favor. The minutes, however, stretch into a long period of time, and getting tired of his job, Jerry places the baby in a basket which has been placed on the bench beside him by two crooks. Thinking his troubles are over Jerry starts to leave, when a colored woman asks him if he would mind her baby for a few minutes while she goes in search of her husband. Again Jerry hasn’t the heart to refuse. The first mother returns, and takes the colored baby from Jerry believing it to be her own. It is wrapped in covers, and she does not open them. The train on which this mother’s husband is due to arrive pulls into the station. The husband knows Jerry, and urges him to come along to his home. Jerry refuses the invitation and thanks him, but the husband insists, and Jerry is forcibly carried away. Meantime the crooks have taken away the basket containing the white baby, and are now out on the high road on their way to the scene of their next job. The colored woman returns to the station to claim her baby, and finds Jerry and her baby gone. She screams, bringing a policeman to her side. She explains her plight to him, and he advises her to go to the police station. Arriving home, the husband lifts the cover from the baby’s face. Consternation reigns when he discovers that they have the wrong baby. The mother explains that Jerry had been entrusted with their baby, and that any mistake is due to his carelessness. The father starts after Jerry, but he is nimble of foot and gets out of harm’s way. A lively chase follows, Jerry is finally caught and led to the police station. The two couples meet at the station, and while they are trying to thrash out matters the crooks enter with the white baby. They had discovered the nature of their burden, and have returned to turn it over to the police. Matters :are then adjusted, and the picture closes with Jerry crooning to the mite of humanity he is permitted to hold in his arms, this time under the watchful eye of the baby’s parents.

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Ratings: IMDB: No rating yet
Released: March 22, 1917
Genres: Comedy Short
Countries: United States
Companies: Cub Comedies
Cast: George Ovey George George Claire Alexander
Crew: Milton J. Fahrney

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