Sentemental military comedy revolves around two contemporary army buddies, Master Sergeant Maxwell Slaughter (Jackie Gleason), a smooth operator, who supply Sergeant Eustis Clay (Steve McQueen) idolizes and hopes will join him as a civilian in a private business enterprise. Clay endeavors to be a player in the military, just like Slaughter, but it seems as though Clay still has a lot to learn from his mentor. They are joined by Tuesday Weld as a shrill dizzy blonde teenager named Bobby Jo Pepperdine and Tony Bill as bumbling Private First Class Jerry Meltzer, McQueen’s screwball sidekick. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 6.8/10 | |
Released: | November 27, 1963 | |
Runtime: | 88 min | |
Genres: | Drama Romance Comedy | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | Solar Productions Cedar Productions (I) | |
Cast: | Steve McQueen Jackie Gleason Tuesday Weld | |
Crew: | Blake Edwards William Goldman Ralph Nelson Maurice Richlin | |
magically_delicious : Release date is 20 December 2024 Internet and VOD. Hopefully it’s good.