Meghan Doherty is a young, talented executive who neglects her mother and close friends to focus on one goal MAKING MONEY. After closing a multi-million dollar deal Meghan is asked by Mr. Randolph Whitaker (her boss/CEO) to close a deal of a lifetime. She’s taking her talent to the Mojave Desert in hopes of getting a Christian land owner to turn over his land before auction. With a 100 million dollar potential deal looming, there is nothing that will stand in the way of her getting what she needs to further her career. Not even GOD? Over a period of 6 days Meghan goes through spiritual transformation (fish out of water) calling on her favorite investor to help save the Land.
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magically_delicious : Contains spoilers. Click to show. It's very poignant documentary. What a tragedy. What an entirely preventable horror. I ...