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After pursuing Kevin Wendell Crumb and the multiple identities that reside within, David Dunn finds himself locked in a mental hospital alongside his archenemy, Elijah Price. The trio must now contend with a psychiatrist, who is out to prove they do not actually possess superhuman abilities.

  • Currently 3.8932038834951457/5
(103 votes)
Ratings: IMDB: 6.6/10
Released: January 18, 2019
Runtime: 129 min
Genres: Drama Thriller Sci-Fi
Countries: United States China
Companies: Universal Pictures Blinding Edge Pictures Buena Vista International Blumhouse Productions Perfect World Pictures
Cast: Samuel L. Jackson Bruce Willis James McAvoy
Crew: M. Night Shyamalan

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Version 1 1.1 GB voe.sx 196 views Report Link
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Version 3 1.1 GB dood.watch 100 views Report Link
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Version 4 1.1 GB dood.watch 91 views Report Link
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Version 5 filelions.to 69 views Report Link
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Version 6 filelions.to 45 views Report Link
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Version 7 streamvid.net 178 views Report Link
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yellow_rose1 3 points 4 months ago.

Finally a movie with no expectations. Not once did I see what was coming next and for someone my age, watching movies all my life this is so rare. Excellent movie. Great acting. Even Sarah Paulson didn’t get on my nerves like she usually does. A must watch.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

ShugarCat 3 points 6 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Bravo, James McAvoy turns in yet another incredibly awesome performance. I have seen numerous films in which he has appeared but his talent never jumped off the screen until I saw him in Split, in which he gave a jaw dropping performance. The fact that he can completely change his character based on expression, posture, and speech is truly amazing. No need for wigs, make-up, or wardrobe change. All three films in this trilogy are a really good watch and should be viewed in proper order.

Jhigh03 -7 points 6 years ago*.

I must say he did an incredible performance as all of the characters. ttfn (tah-tah-for-now)-Tigger,Winnie the Pooh

ShugarCat 2 points 6 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Jhigh03, I have no idea who you are or what you are accusing me of, but your comment to my post comes across as mean and insulting. I take it James, who ever he is, is some sort of a threat to you otherwise you would not be sending such replies to peoples honest posts.

Shame on you!

It so happens I am not a dude, I am female, and I do not appreciate your rude and uninvited comment that has absolutely no relevance to me or my review of this film. So I would appreciate it if you would delete what you wrote and if that is not possible an apology would be nice. Oh and by the way you need to proof read your input as your comment is full of typos, well either typos or you have very poor spelling and grammar skills … or perhaps you are just too lazy to review your work. Again, Shame On You!!!

RoboPhone 1 points 6 years ago*.

Come on, now! Let’s please take it off the personal. alright?! JAMES McAvoy is being referred to there as a silly joke. Perhaps in poor taste or confusing to some, but I got it. I’m not condoning nor condemning it. I simply down voted it.

People, we have the voting means to collectively remove comments we don’t believe are relative or disagree with. Once a vote goes under -4, it’s gone - hidden from view. We do not have to waste our time or energy with public outbursts.

This site is Free to use. The Comments given to us here are intended to reflect our impressions of the program to guide the next person whether to watch it or not. That’s all!

Thank you all for supporting our site while fostering a peaceful community.

Jhigh03 -1 points 6 years ago*.

Sorry for the typos, your right, I was being lazy. I sent a pm sent to explain. Hope there are no hard feelings, it bothered me that i might have upset you as that was not my intention. And the use of the term dude in relation to gender is more or less unisex around my way.

Jhigh03 0 points 5 years ago.

The post your trolling on is me apologizing for unintentionally offending a member, take notes. You just float around here reading every post that has nothing to do with you just so you can have something negative to say. Not Facebook or Twitter, no you came to Pw and choose my post to act the fool to. I really feel sorry that the joy in your life comes from this kind of behavior. And just so you can rest easy the typos i was referencing were edited out of my previous statement.

RoboPhone 0 points 5 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I know that I speak for everyone here that we re sick and tired of your constant Trolling of this site by being hateful and abusive to our Users here! You are in violation of at least 2 of our Site’s Community Rules and have been reported by many other Users already.

This is my one and only plea for you to cease and desist before your actions cause you to be either Muted or permanently Banned from our otherwise peaceful and friendly community.

The choice is yours.

Jhigh03 -1 points 5 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Good looking out!

MissMorgue 2 points 5 years ago. 4/5 stars.

This film is highly worth a watch through, even if you’re not interested in comic books or superhero based films. this is a solid 7.5/10 from me or 4 out of 5 stars.

Lenoxsam 2 points 5 years ago.

Loved it… loved it….a most watch film

Keymawe 2 points 6 years ago. 5/5 stars.

A very good watch 7/10
Totally recommend it!

Keisha_Ruan 2 points 6 years ago.

wow this was really gud! if you watch it all your dreams will come true. it really just like ummmm part of 3 supper hero movies that come togather. i thot it was cl.

RoboPhone 1 points 6 years ago*.

Make sure to watch the prequels for the best effect :
UNBREAKABLE : https://www1.primewire.li/movie/466151-watch-unbreakable
SPLIT : https://www1.primewire.li/movie/1302412-watch-split

RowdyRepublican 1 points 6 years ago.

Lol he gained one more personality from split. Classic movie move

SJ Robert 1 points 4 years ago.

Dang. Wish I read your comment first. Just finished watching and during the watch it seemed like maybe it was part of a sequence. Bummer that I watched Part 3 first. Wish it noted it was Part 3 of a trilogy in the movie description.

Marksmanbbs 0 points 6 years ago. 4/5 stars.

Wow you must be a true movie entrepreneur (for lack of a better word)Having the knowledge to put those other movies in sequence to fit and make the mind for this viewing is awesome,So to get the full effect and meaning in the mind of a great movie,the sit time to watch just changed from an hour and a half to about six,lol.anyway it sounds and looks like a great way for a good mindset,Thank You RoboPhone,,,,,

RoboPhone 1 points 6 years ago.

Always glad to be of service.

MixueW 1 points 4 years ago. 4/5 stars.

Great movie, even the 2nd time. And if you are a fan of Sarah Paulson, this is a must watch.

gypsy soul -1 points 6 years ago.

Trish - I am with you. I thought Unbreakable was an interesting and thoroughly entertaining movie driven by a fairly original concept. but Split was a pseudo-intellectual piece of ego polishing. I don’t care what the critics said. I found it so boring the fact that this movie builds on Split keeps me from watching it. Such a good premise used in a ham-fisted way. Give me the many personality character from Doom Patrol.

darklighter1 -2 points 6 years ago.

You should stick to generic by the numbers Marvel movies then. This whole series was excellent and a fantastic finish with this movie.If you want cgi action and moronic jokes check out Aquaman or Captain Marvel.

firedove10 0 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Loved it! A great ending to the Unbreakable trilogy. I was not expecting it to end the way it did… 5/5

Manic9 0 points 5 years ago. 5/5 stars.
