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“Microcosm” is a documentary that showcases the ocean in a way it has never been seen: from the previously unexplored perspective of the Microuniverse. “Microcosm” will reveal the mysterious kingdom within the ocean and instill a sophisticated appreciation for the complex, powerful, yet elegant force that drives it, and which most do not realize exists. The very foundation of the ocean from gargantuan coral reefs to mighty predatory fish begins as something barely perceptible to the human eye. Examination of this diversity will reveal the important role these creatures play in yielding the planetary oxygen supply, supporting the food web, and providing clues about the origins of life on Earth. To see the ocean from this perspective will illustrate the quantifiable negative impacts of climate change, ecosystem destruction from harmful algal blooms, and the ramifications of plastic trash in the ocean. In the end, it is our understanding of microbiology that is helping resolve some of the most critical issues plaguing the environment. Alternative fuels, biodegradable plastic, pollution remediation, and new medical advancements are just a few of the potential resources that can be derived sustainably from the microcosm

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Ratings: IMDB: 0.0/10
Released: January 1, 2018
Runtime: 90 min
Genres: Documentary
Crew: Michael Caplan Michele Hoffman Trotter

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