Set in the Old Republic era near the end of the Jedi/Sith War on the planet Krotanna, the Sith Dark Lord Darth Titanous, his apprentice Lord Glaive and their newly created army of Acolyte clones defend their temple base against a massive Jedi armada led in the air by Master Vos and on the ground by Master Illya. Unbeknownst to the attacking Jedi, lies a more sinister plot by Titanous and his pregnant Sith Witch wife Vorii to unleash a dark death upon the galaxy in the form of their unborn daughter in this thrilling prequel to Dark Awakening: A Star Wars Fan Film and upcoming Dark Awakening II: End of Light |
Ratings: | IMDB: 0.0/10 | |
Released: | April 24, 2016 | |
Runtime: | 5 min | |
Genres: | Short Sci-Fi | |
Cast: | David Oliver David Norton D.J. Smith Erika Harper-Townes | |
Crew: | Tia Cherie Polite | |
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