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In the midst of 80’s power suits and Reaganomics, a young Byron Krueger rose to fame as the poster child for Neon Pops. He was the cutest kid to sell the sweetest (albeit potentially toxic) treats to throngs of future yuppies. Of course fame and fortune didn’t favor young Byron for very long and he began a slow downward spiral. As a washed up child star, Byron had very few options. Hungry television viewers could care less about his weight gain, growth of body hair, and vulgar habits, and he almost felt like dying. Except, he WAS a star. And maybe, just maybe, he could BE a star again. Many years after the Neon Pops radioactive scare that sent anything associated with it into hiding, Byron Krueger re-emerged into public view. He fumbled his way into a historic old theater company in the art district of Milwaukee. He’d heard rumors that some local guy in the 80’s named Jeff played Sweeny Todd and the show cancelled after one night. Logically in Byron’s mind, he could only improve that situation. When he arrived at the theater company, hoping to impress everyone with his chops, he was amazed to find something slightly less than professional. Becoming part of the JD Memorial Theater Company introduced a world filled with mental instability, conspiracy, anarchy, and the tragic auto-erotic asphyxiation of a beloved director, father and friend.

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Ratings: IMDB: 0.0/10
Released: March 10, 2012
Runtime: 15 min
Genres: Comedy Short
Cast: Allie Beckmann Bryon Krueger Chris Feireisen Adam Zastrow
Crew: Jordan Gwiazdowski Christian Kocinski Bryon Krueger Amanda Matusiak Adam Zastrow

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