AmieWarren : Contains spoilers. Click to show. I couldn't get through this whole episode. This show has lost it's originality and all the...
Dis : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Agree, agree, agree and agree af about Jason. What a treat to see more of him in with his ...
Alien : Good idea.
Dis : I'll set a google alert, just in case.
yellow_rose1 : Well I bow to the person that found it and rescued it. I love comedies that make funny of ...
random000 : Bingo. Our oldest daughter found it. This flick is a total indie that flew under the radar...
yellow_rose1 : I know huh? I don't understand why is has a really low rating. I find it very funny. In th...
ziggycat2008 : Have to agree one of the best tv shows that has been broadcast .
suisen : Sult (danish), Hunger aka A Copenhagen love story TRIGGERS:Abortion, Infertility... Emil a...