Zooke : This documentary is 100% prosecution sided and makes no excuses for that. Do I think OJ di...
Dethkids : Contains spoilers. Click to show. (besides when they said worst yolo episode ever)
Dethkids : Really was the worst yolo episode ever lol (but not really lol more like nlaa)
Drizzt : This would mix well with Agatha All Along :) That would be fu*ked up :)
Lily23 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Ash from Supernatural!
kkarlz : Aren't you taking this too seriously? we're here to have fun, to watch movies, series and ...
Geogenesis : I've never even heard of this one. Looks interesting. Saving for later.
greenguy86 : It's a good one, not a typical Sandler movie.
prism : Thank you, haven't watched it yet but downloaded to see later :)
mikebcarguy : "Low entropy, self replicating phenomenon that generates a binding force called compassion...
You do realise she’s portraying an actual person? How on Earth could she do Ozark accent for it???
i know but her accent changes from sentence to sentence. if the actual person sounded like that she would have been called out early. My use of Ozark sound being better was meant as sarcasm. i liked the show, and her portrayal, but stick to my opinion that her use of accents took something away from it.