Three... Extremes (2004)
BellaMia1 -1 points 5 years ago.

Man. The “Dumplings” story, left me squirming in my chair. Especially with the crunching of the bones sound. Urk! But the story went nowhere. It just ended. “Cut” was stupid rubbish. Typical South Korean movie, where they have to inject over-the-top comedy to everything. In this story, it was not necessary. Just give me storyline plainly. There was potential for such a good mind game, but it turned out ridiculous. A dud. Last one “Box”, was visually stunning to watch. It felt like the whole thing was shot in a snow globe. Beautifully shot yes, but lost in silences and absence of sounds sometimes. And the incestuous part, I could’ve done without. It was not necessary to the story. In all, an OK movie that is slow-paced sometimes, good for a one-time watch. Will see part 2 now.