Dopesick (2021)
Jaxluger 6 points 3 years ago.

You get the feeling from the show that the FDA is in the pockets of the drug companies. The thought is the FDA is there to protect the consumers but it seems from this that they are in the pockets of the drug companies. Are they there to make sure drug company liability is minimal to fiascos like OxyContin? No of course they are there to protect the consumers, yeah no issues in the government

crane 8 points 3 years ago.

Take a look at the CEO’s and boards of companies like Pfizer, J and J, and Merck. There are huge amounts of crossover between them and people who’ve served as directors in the FDA. It’s literally a revolving door.
Work for Pfizer, get hired at the FDA, then go back to Pfizer, then back to the FDA.
It’s so crooked it’s scary.