60 Days In (2016)
8STORY8 0 points 5 years ago*.

I’m continuing to Binge-watch after finishing Season 1 & 2. I do recommend starting from the beginning to understand the progression. While, It was somewhat frustrating for me to see the little that appeared was shared in feedback to the Captain and Sheriff by those that went in undercover at their exit debriefings, but clearly after seeing the end of the seasons Specials, I understood, they only showed an edited short version in the participants exited-release episodes; but in the Season Specials, (The Aftermath and Where are They Now?, much more is revealed, made clear. And in Season 2’s particularly the changes that had been implemented because of the feedback from the program and its participants. I’m now understanding since starting S3 that because both 1&2 were aired, it broke the initial jail’s cover, so in S3 it moves to a new jail. But, I do hope they go back and revisit the first one at some point to check-in on progress and developments. I suggest that you could skip the Specials “The Best of” and the ones highlighting 3-4 of the participants journeys because those are simply just repeating summary content of the season that you’ve just watched; Unless you haven’t and you just want a summary, go for it. But, as I said, don’t miss out on the Specials Aftermath and Where are They Now because those are very informative, interesting and moving!