Bacall to Arms (Short 1946) (1946)
Alien 2 points 3 years ago.

Not a children’s cartoon. They wouldn’t get the references.
There were sh$t loads of cartoons made with only adults in mind.

kahnwiley 2 points 3 years ago.

Very good point that they weren’t exclusive to children; they were just shorts shown to general audiences between movies at the theatre. Thought lord knows none of my older relatives were adults when they got into the Looney Tunes.
Have you seen Adult Swim? If you like adult cartoons (no, not porn, haha), there’s plenty of that! My dad and his brothers grew up watching Looney Tunes and he recently got waaaaay into AS—like, he watches more shows on there than I ever did, including stuff I never heard of. Never could have called that one.