Lake Placid (1999)
Ernest Yeap 1 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This movie is not bad. About a giant crocodile snacking on people..

kahnwiley 2 points 3 years ago*.

This movie is GREAT! One of my all-time favorites! People at the time didn’t known how to take it, but it’s obviously a send-up of flicks like “Jaws., and at least a close relative of the satirical killer creature comedy “Alligator” (1980). The problem for this movie’s reception was that it seems, at first glance, to be playing everything straight, but it’s actually mocking itself the entire time.
Even the idea of a cold-blooded crocodile living in freezing-ass Maine, of all places, is a subtle hint to the fact that it is not to be taken seriously. Bill Pullman, Oliver Platt and Brendan Gleeson have some excellent back-and-forth dialogue that’s really hilarious. Plus WTF is Betty White doing there? Being a badass bitch, like she does.
The premise is goofy but everything is played straight by the actors, which is why a lot of people thought it was just a “so-so” horror movie when it came out. It’s an understated and underrated comedy that I personally found unique and brilliant. Of course, I disagreed with the critics and the box office on that one, but I think this movie deserves “cult” status for sure.