An American Werewolf in London (1981)
Canuckian 1 points 5 years ago.

Shugarcat is absolutely correct…the “Transformation” scene from Man to Wolf in this movie was groundbreaking for its time..they showed EVERYTHING in detail from the feet and hands turning into wolflike appendages, the elongation of the face from Man to Wolf, the changing of the spine and ribs to a more 4 legged form….EVERYTHING was shown and the soundtrack (Credence Clearwater Revivals Bad Moon Rising) during that scene was PERFECT…everything about this movie including the top notch cast and acting, the entire soundtrack, the filmography…i can keep going on about all the things this film has going for it but i won’t…all i will say is watch it and decide for yourself if this isn’t one of the best and most “realistic” Werewolf movies made..and when i say “realistic”, i am referring to the transformation scene….so well done. For the record, the “sequel” to this movie titled An American Werewolf in Paris has NOTHING on this movie, has absolutely NO connection to this movie and is a VERY poor attempt at cashing in on the success of this near Cult classic movie.