An American Werewolf in London (1981)
ShugarCat 2 points 5 years ago.

This classic film is considered one of the best horror films of its time, not because of the great acting involved, and it was good, or the story it tells which is good, or even the soundtrack which is also top notch. It is because of the special effects used. For the first time in the history of film the audience was shown a life like (real looking) transition from man to werewolf. Jaws dropped, gasps were heard, ooos and ahs took place as the audience watched the transformation up on the screen … and a ‘Classic’ was born. It is a really good watch and if you have not seen it definitely check it out. I am not a big fan of the horror genre for many reasons but I sure liked this film. Its not scary at all, well I did not find it to be anyway. Its more of a comedy fantasy with a werewolf tossed in to raise it to a horror category.