Bigfoot's Bride (2021)
syndromezed 0 points 3 years ago.

Note to Cyfuno Ventures: The part of “grindhouse” that Tarantino and friends parodied/worshipped was not the look - the cheap, worn out film and badly handled edits. Well, maybe a little for the edits. But mostly, it’s about the stupid-to-the-point-of-laughable exploitation. In short, boobs, monsters and gore, and if a demon/devil/bigfoot happened to get it on with one of the half-naked ladies (or if a nun or National Socialist party member from WW2 Germany happened to be punished), it was icing on the exploitation cake. Your movie has great potential as a grindhouse-style flick, but nowhere near enough exploitation material. Bigfoot, check. Boobs, almost but not quite. Gore, only a little. I wanted to watch a fun, stupid “bigfoot steals our womenfolk” movie and all I got was a tiny bit of side boob and not even a cupful of blood, much less the bucketfuls I expected an angry bigfoot to leave. :(