The Gifted (2017)
mjbourquin 2 points 5 years ago.

I feel the exact same. I love x-men and was so excited that they were making an xmen series. The first season was great. But all the drama started stacking up + unrealism / dialogue problems and I started to lose interest halfway through the 2nd season. I’m still going to attempt to watch the rest.

Dante89 1 points 5 years ago.

I think this show was kind of marvel’s take on ‘Heroes’. Just look at that show. The writers should have seen what worked so well for that show and learn from it’s mistakes. But it probably will end the same way. As I googled, hehe , the show dropped very much in viewers in the second season so if they make another season I will be very chocked haha … Make a new show instead ^^ with better writers. At some points it was very close to cringe-writing in season one.