mkmikas : Contains spoilers. Click to show. i have a more tranquil setting on the loo, paintings of the forest, flower arrangements.. ...
moeaddasi : Sorry I had to... You never looked at the mirror while shitting before ?
mkmikas : never seen a whale shit before..
tyetoes : This was certainly not what i expected.i just love demi moore.A good lesson on vanity!Get ...
GeminiSaga : This still holds up almost 20 years later
gldmediatv : Really-ЖЖЖЖ-Struggle to imagine what the first was like ?
IceKreamSundaze : lol crazy
mikebcarguy : The story by Ambrose Bierce (and the Twilight Zone episode), "An Occurrence at Owl Creek B...
kkarlz : Thanks for the suggestion, gonna watch that next :)
Harthal : I think Skinwalker Ranch, Oak Island, and Blind Frog ranch all have the same producer or s...
This show could regain its former glory right now if they would just fire Colin Jost and Michael Che. Worst SNL head writers ever….been watching non-stop since 1988, been there through thick and thin, even when everyone was always dogging on any given new cast that came along!! This is different. This is truly terrible. I realize now that the only reason this show has been allowed to endure for so long, is not because it is what it is, but only because it’s on so late at night. I’m not putting the blame solely on Jost and Che, everyone’s at fault here, but, c’mon, did you actually SEE the “Louisiana Liberal” sketch at the beginning of season 44?? ANYONE who actually thought that was funny enough to be viewed by a living soul deserves to have all confidence in them removed forthwith!! A group of so-called “educated” people sat around a table and decided that would be funny enough for you. The American public should be insulted that they expect us to laugh. Come back to me SNL, I miss you.
Colin Jost and Michael Che are some of the only ones holding this show together. 99% of the skits on this show are not funny in the slightest. The 1 skit that is on every show, where these two aforementioned comedians play a couple of hosts in a news casting, are one of the only times I find myself still chuckling.