Can I pet that dawg? : Contains spoilers. Click to show. I hate with a passion the inclusion of animal cruelty in tv shows. Guess I'm going to have...
mjjones1986 : Malcolm in the middle of a Freudian-AI-Skynet-Mother-Computer. Hard pass
Steve_mi : it might be akin to immersion or confrontation therapy, or it could be de-stigmatizing for...
grasshopper rex : I can't really see how it would help to put it on film. A book? Could be. I'd think regula...
chugga : ep 2 was the best one
IceKreamSundaze : the Manchurian candidate is another good one
Alien : You're paranoid : Thanks! Your "atypical" comment got me to watch. Though Sandler has done a few purely dr...
CollideDuhScope : You're fun as much as you don't like to admit.. Smoochez
BluRain : This is a fun show :)
Love that song, group and message. The video is very clever, replacing the animals with humans and showing the abuse from us towards them. I know that the lead singer has also animal sanctuary. They were one of the 5 selected songs to represent Czech Republic at Eurovision 2020, but they didnt win. Benny Cristo won and he is going to represent them in 2021 as well, because he wasnt able this year due to obvious reasons. Good luck to him and Czech Republic. He is also a great guy and cares for the animals. Cant wait for Eurovision 2021.