Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979)
PonderThis 2 points 4 years ago*.

Of course I have a soft spot for Gil Gerard because he’s from my home state. I, too, watched this tv series and it was okay for the time. They didn’t have CGI or many of the other technologies that are used now to create spectacular images. Thanks to the success of Star Wars, a whole new type of drama was created but I feel it started with the original Star Trek series of the mid 1960’s. Gene Roddenberry was influenced by what to create this unique space drama? Man hadn’t landed on the moon yet and the cartoon The Jetsons hit the tv airwaves in 1962. Wouldn’t it be funny if Gene was inspired by the cartoon the Jetsons? I won’t mention Lost In Space….even though I watched it, it is so laughable now but look at what these shows did, it inspired production companies to create better space travel dramas and inspired so many to look up at the stars and daydream about what is out there in the deep corners of the universe!