Under the Dome (2013)
Manic9 3 points 5 years ago*.

It started very interesting with season 1. Then, season 2 became a bit boring but still you keep wondering what will happen, so I kept pushing myself to watch. I have no idea what they did with season 3 and why there even was a season 3. I’ve watch 6 episodes of season 3 and I stopped because it’s not worth my time. I keep thinking ‘wtf am I watching?’ It was not only boring but it really didn’t make any sense.. So If you want to watch this, you’ll probably enjoy season 1 and maybe season 2, but seriously season 3 is not worth it. No wonder the show ended..

RoboPhone 3 points 5 years ago*.

Originally a great idea to adapt the Stephen King Short Story. But, sadly they overreached, due to network pressure to stretch it as far as they could. And like a rubberband, it snapped. The writers ran out of time to present the material they were planning before the carpet was pulled out from under them.

As Manic9 related, it might have been better served as a miniseries.

That said, it was still a good ride while it lasted and ended like many thrillers with a “To-Be-Continued” question mark instead of a “The End” period.

Judge for yourselves.