Legend (1985)
somniloquist 4 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Lily didn’t listen and now the world is dying and she might have to marry Satan. So the next time your Forest Folk (boy)friend tells you not to touch something, maybe don’t touch it. Okay?

Royaltyguy 1 points 4 years ago.

his instincts were correct, her touching the unicorn wouldnt hurt anything because she is pure hearted, but a second after she touched the unicorn it was shot with a arrow, thats what made jack think touching the unicorn is what disrupted the universe and her touching it was wrong and his fault, but in all actually it wasnt her pure heart and intensions that did the wrong, everything would have been fine had the unicorn not been shot by the arrow at almost “the moment of touching it” so yeah… re watch it to understand, ive seen this movie just about a hundred times