The Frighteners (1996)
NoxllockZ 2 points 6 years ago.


RoboPhone 4 points 6 years ago*.

I’d give it a 5/5, Nox, simply because of Peter Jackson alone.

The whole movie is an organic evolution from the comedic beginning to the dark and terrifying climax and satisfying conclusion.

For the time when this film was made, the now-outdated special effects used were considered cutting edge.

If you can find it, the Director’s Cut of this is simply fantastic!

He restored footage the MPAA forced him to scrap just to get it in theaters. He made what he considered to be a PG-13 film and they still slapped an R rating on.

He also kept a video diary of sorts and stored it on laserdisc to preserve its integrity. There’s hours and hours of bonus material!

Trivia : Michael Fox chewed up a lot of turf on the cutting room floor, as he kept calling John Astin’s character “Doc!”

In all, A Must See!