Wentworth (2013)
magically_delicious 4 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

After 8 Seasons, it is ultimately the caliber of the outstanding acting, and transitional phases that these women would realistically go through, that keep this show in a number one slot. No one, NO ONE, stays the same, they all evolve and do so with conviction. This show has it all; gore, horror, betrayal, love lost, love found, drug use, recovery, and “top dogs”. I couldn’t possibly illustrate adequately what a quality show this is. It is not a melodramatic piece of goopy, nonsense pie; it is a delicious array of savoury elements that leaves the viewer wanting more…even if their favourite is killed off/or otherwise. Highly recommended. Start from the beginning and watch how it evolves. It’s binge-worthy and contemplative. 5/5