Can I pet that dawg? : Contains spoilers. Click to show. I hate with a passion the inclusion of animal cruelty in tv shows. Guess I'm going to have...
mjjones1986 : Malcolm in the middle of a Freudian-AI-Skynet-Mother-Computer. Hard pass
Steve_mi : it might be akin to immersion or confrontation therapy, or it could be de-stigmatizing for...
grasshopper rex : I can't really see how it would help to put it on film. A book? Could be. I'd think regula...
chugga : ep 2 was the best one
IceKreamSundaze : the Manchurian candidate is another good one
Alien : You're paranoid : Thanks! Your "atypical" comment got me to watch. Though Sandler has done a few purely dr...
CollideDuhScope : You're fun as much as you don't like to admit.. Smoochez
BluRain : This is a fun show :)
Such a great film - the screenplay by JFK researchers Mark Lane and Donald Freed is excellent and though it is about a specific assassination, it really is more a blueprint on how the deep state generally functions in certain situations.
If this was your first viewing and you enjoyed it, I would have 7 Days In May, the original Manchurian Candidate, the Parallax View, Twilight’s Last Gleaming and 3 Days Of The Condor lined up for starters!
The Manchurian Candidate and 3 Days Of The Condor are two of my favorite films. Laurence Harvey and Robert Redford are fantastic actors.
Have you ever seen Domino? It’s based on the life of Harvey’s daughter.