Hotel Artemis (2018)
magically_delicious 3 points 6 years ago.

I enjoyed this film, though I went in with a head semi-filled with the criticisms others had offered from various sources. I first need to “say” that I love Jodie Foster. She is an accomplished actor who can overcome negative roles and pull films up to a higher standard (for instance Elysium, which I felt was a very predictable film). This film is a wee bit “arty” and has a small element of a “grind house” feel to it, for me. I enjoyed the acting all the way round and all the characters. This was a “fun” film to me and left me feeling satisfied. I felt that there are still some questions at the end, but overall for me, the positive of being entertained by the film on the whole, out weighed the negative. I feel anyone who likes Jodie Foster, or any of the aforementioned elements, will enjoy this film. Thanks a million uplinkers for sharing and having it here! :)