Don't Let Go (2019)
BellaMia1 -2 points 5 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

There’s been many movie with the premise of time-jumping, and most are a mess. but I have to admit that this one wasn’t bad. OK now, many questions were left unanswered, and some of the behavior of the uncle was questionable. But I was willing to put those aside specifically because of the beautiful relationship between the David Oyelowo and Storm Reid. It was nice to see the profound fondness the uncle had for his niece. And that kept me watching. Now again, the script needed some tweaking. And frankly, I would’ve liked for the movie to go on further with the aftermath of the ending. Considering how big the conspiracy was. But compared to A LOT of movies nowadays, this one keep my eyeballs on the screen. To me, this was a good one-time watch.