X-Men (2000)
McShagan 1 points 5 years ago*.

This was the first of the new comic book movies that can be considered as good. I watched it a lot when it came out because it validated my love of comics and in particular the X-Men. Now I look at it and the Brian Singer version doesn’t hold true to the comic and what the X-Men were all about. If you don’t know about the X-Men you can enjoy this as a movie still because it hasn’t aged too badly. I am hoping that the people at Marvel treat this groups story of acceptance of those that are different rather than being shunned and feared simply because they are not understand.

Dante89 6 points 15 days ago.

I know exactly what you mean. I grew up with X-Men, Spider-Man and Batman (comics). And I loved this movie, still do. But haha there is so much that doesn’t make sense but I believe the casting is like so freaking amazing. And it holds up like 25 years later ! :D <3 Amazing movie !