Charlie's Angels (2019)
nikkimckelvy -5 points 5 years ago.

What I don’t understand is this: We live in a democracy. Democracy is, “Majority rules.” The majority is heterosexuality. The entire definitions of both tolerance and acceptance are both that, to tolerate and to accept-not include. If we wish to include the GLBTQ community in all cinematic representations, then we also need to be including all other minorities equally so. The Latin American and African American communities aren’t depicted nearly as much in films, and the Latin American community is due to be come the majority in America by the year 2030. Why don’t we have all of our films in Spanish, Portugues, Italian, or Castillian?

greyfur -4 points 5 years ago.

No, we are not, and never have been, a Democracy. Remember your pledge of allegiance?We are a Republic. There is a big difference between the two. In a Democracy, the majority rules, they want your bike, they take your bike, a Republic, there are laws that say other wise. That’s the difference between the protection of individual rights and no protection of individual rights. Same with property rights.
Democracies have a better chance of ending up in tyranny, whereas not so much with a Republic, but then, look where we are now, people have been told for so long that we are a Democracy that they have started to believe it, the pledge is hardly taught in schools, Socialism is being taught as if it were the best way to go, and through out history it has done nothing but brought misery to countless millions of people all over the planet, and now kids are clamoring for it, having now clue what they are asking for.
They are saying that it would be fine to do away with the First Amendment, having no idea what they are saying; Man, I’m 58, and have been watching whats been going on very closely, all kinds of news from all kinds of sources, from all kinds of angles. Not just one, mind you, trying to tear it all apart.
One thing I have concluded. People in power, they have been there a long time, they want to stay there, and will do anything to keep it. they don’t give a damn about this country, the Constitution, the people. They only care about the power, the $, and all that goes with it. And there is only one way to get rid of them, and i’m afraid the time for that may well be long past….