Before (2024)
uuman 4 points 2 months ago.

We used to get 24 episodes with an average run time of 42min every year. Now, we get 8-10 episodes with an average run time of 30min every 2-4 years. There used to be 2-4 really strong episodes per season. Now we get 1-2. There is no justification for how content is being developed today. Especially when a single season costs as much or more than blockbuster movies. It wasn’t long ago that what they now spend on one episode would fund nearly two seasons of the standard tv show.

There are too many damn writers and not a single damn one of them has any vision. They come up with a premise and milk it until the show gets canceled without us getting any answers.

czecm8 1 points 1 month ago.

I’ve always prefered how the UK writes a show….4-6 hour long movie like episodes and then that’s it! No “to be continued”, no “what can they do next season?”, nothing! Just tidy story lines that end and can possibly make you think! Bring on the mini-series writers!