Balthasar : Oh NO! Not another Fassbinder movie:)
kerfy : Contains spoilers. Click to show. a door slam does not sound like a gunshot.. lol had tinitus for a year from firing a gun ...
MP8219 : Not sure what to think of this show really.
mikebcarguy : Here's a primer on Marvel villian Muse: Prolly best they di...
Researcher : I watch sitcoms to "lighten up" so the dramatic turn always pisses me off! The many story-...
Christmasstar : Great move, enjoyed every bit of it!!@
greenguy86 : It's a good one, not a typical Sandler movie.
random000 : The Hubley's are a great animation family & this one done by Faith is a testament to her f...
random000 : Anthony Lucas scores with style & story evocative of Jules Verne, Tim Burton, Guy Maddin &...
Birdsforme : I agree. I usually do not watch animation, but really enjoyed this.
Man, talk about a walk down memory lane here with all the recent 80’s/early 90’s movies being uploaded LOL..LOVEIN it!! This one right here though..Bill and Ted…what can i say that hasn’t been said a million times about this classic….well, on a personal note then, i had a bit of a crush on “Joan of Arc” in this movie when i was a teenager LOL. Heard they are making a third stallment with Keanu AND Winters reprising their roles..unfortunatley Rufus won’t be there due to Carlins death years ago, but still, I am apprehensive about it…the first two movies, this one and Bogus Journey were both great, this one being the best though…i am thinking maybe they should have left it well enough alone, but, i guess we will have to wait and see…at least Keanu and Alex are coming back, ad i am sure Keanu (due to his star power, something he didn’t have much of back when this movie first came out) will allow him some creative input and hopefully keep this new third movie from going off the rails and ruining what was a great duo of movies…anyways, if you haven’t watched Bill and Ted, then what are you waiting for lol…watch it NOW lol