The Ghost and the Darkness (1996)
Canuckian 2 points 6 years ago.

This is one of my absolute favorite movies..Jaws on land with Lions instead of a Shark, and even better, it is based on a True Story and actual events. Go Google the Lions of Tsavo and you will read some absolutely incredible facts about these two lions…speculations about WHY they did what they did for eg. and to be honest, it makes sense….you can read up on them either before or after watching this movie and it will only add to the absolute thrill this movie is. Talk about terrifying though…This is one of Val Kilmers best imo, right up there with his portrayal of Doc Halliday in Wyatt Earp and of course, Madmartigan in Willow. I rate this an EASY 10/10 with a high rewatchability factor, especially after you learn more about these two beasties.