Black Sabbath: Live... Gathered in Their Masses (2013)
random000 2 points 4 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Drums came naturally & is productive in lots of ways. Exercise, creativity, developing good brain chemistry & path making, muscle memory & so on. Your guitar playing has got to be just fine. I tend to write most the songs our band plays, then hand them over to the guitarists who are infinitely better than me since I take the James Brown approach (I don’t really play guitar- I play drums on guitar) haha.

yellow_rose1 2 points 4 months ago.

Wow you sound very musically gifted. My Dad is too. He made records in the mid 60’s for capital records. He was in a band called The Esquires in Ottawa. Their label was Capital Records. They were doing really well and then he got my Mom pregnant with my sister and had to get a “real Job”. I never miss a chance to brag about my Dad. I would love to hear something from your band.