Black Sabbath: Live... Gathered in Their Masses (2013)
random000 3 points 4 months ago.

Agree with all that. Bands are marriages but with more people, so they get messy. People get overworked & tired, then sick of each other, friendships change, etc. Will always prefer Sabbath to solo Ozzy, but am glad they all found their own way back together again. With that said, on this reunion, Bill wasn’t happy with his contract, so he gave a hard pass & they got Tommy as a guest musician, and that’s sad. It’s still a good show, but wish Bill had been there especially since I’ve played drums over half a century & he was a Huuuuge influence.

yellow_rose1 2 points 4 months ago.

Cool I’ve always wanted to lean drums. I play guitar and sing. My guitar playing isn’t too great. I just need to practice more which I have been doing lately. I’d love to hear you play sometime. Some of my favorite drummers are Mick Fleetwood and I would have to say John Bonham and Rick Allen for sure