Agatha All Along (2024)
moongoddess 1 points 4 months ago.

According to the few web articles I read, this was always being planned only as a one season series with 9 episodes. As for the Twins reuniting, I agree that would make another grand series. Perhaps MCU is planning to expand on it by giving Billy his own 9 episode single season. And Kathryn Hahn could easily reprise her role as Agatha in a series focusing on the Twins. But I think more season arcs beyond a 9 episode series to find Tommy will be important in order to bring the YA together. A single series devoted to each of the YA Team would need to be explored, developed, and then an interlocking series season that brings them together. So, if the executives involved in creating the MCUverse are already drawboarding these concepts it’s possible that in the coming decade we could be entertained by a lot of MCUverse tie in programming. Stay tuned and keep reading the hollywood theaterical e-zines for updates.

Harthal 1 points 4 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Well at the end of the Marvels movie in a post-credits scene, Ms Marvel seems to be recruiting Kate Bishop. They also have Hulk’s son Saar (She-Hulk show), Cassie Lang (Hawkeye show), and technically Patriot (Falcon show) in the MCU. And now they have Billy as well, so the pieces are there and were each introduced in a separate show so I think it’s definitely in the back of their heads. Ironheart is getting a show, plus VisionQuest, Secret Wars movie, and RDJ as Doom in another movie. Young Avengers could possibly team up in one of these