Piglet : Russell Crowe will play the spy Adolf Tolkachev, who is set on a highly dangerous mission ...
magically_delicious : Awesome mini-doc! Thanks so much!
magically_delicious : I love Amanda. This first episode really dragged, to me. Hopefully later episodes will h...
gldmediatv : No probs :)
Dis : Thank you gldmedia!!
Boiler : thank you for posting this link in chat. I enjoyed this. \m/ wish i could make another tw...
BoochJohnson : OMG! Something very bad happens in this movie.
Alien : Who can resist watching kittens? Not I.
Fugitive : Veerry true.... It was a silly movie interesting though
Peevee : Cannot. Wait.
You mean Justin Hartley? The old Green Arrow l0l… He’s no Jensen Ackles. Great actor and this is a great show..
No, I mean Jensen Ackles. He plays Colter’s brother, Russell. They’re both good actors and this IS a great show.