Piglet : Russell Crowe will play the spy Adolf Tolkachev, who is set on a highly dangerous mission ...
magically_delicious : Awesome mini-doc! Thanks so much!
magically_delicious : I love Amanda. This first episode really dragged, to me. Hopefully later episodes will h...
gldmediatv : No probs :)
Dis : Thank you gldmedia!!
Boiler : thank you for posting this link in chat. I enjoyed this. \m/ wish i could make another tw...
BoochJohnson : OMG! Something very bad happens in this movie.
Alien : Who can resist watching kittens? Not I.
Fugitive : Veerry true.... It was a silly movie interesting though
Peevee : Cannot. Wait.
Half brothers, seriously? It’s a shame they never get to connect. That would be pretty awesome. It’s good though that some of the same people are connected though, I will have to check out that. Thanks for the information.
Noticed your comment was deleted. Am on the 3rd episode of Bosch, and was wondering how they were half brothers, as from the second episode, it looks like he (Bosh) was an only child with a single mother that was killed and he went through the system. How long before the connection is made?