Piglet : As I'm watching this episode an actor most of us know pops up! But it isn't Shawn Ashmore ...
yellow_rose1 : It was all the media talked about afterwards and Ireland was exposing their priests aroun...
Farmboy41 : Most had no understanding of that act and the ones that did stayed silent for the most par...
random000 : Okie dokie. Thank you Miss Ang.
Alien : Sending you a PM, Soph
Dethkids : Dang really? I missed this one, I'll take your word for it giving it a go...!
teteba : Solid comedy special
teteba : This movie has to stop to be a hidden gem and it should being watched by more people. I di...
yellow_rose1 : wow this looks amazing. Going on my watch list right now. Thanks for the uploads. :)
WeeKnighT : Season 1 actually has 13 episodes, re: IMDB
This film should be declared a national treasure. Three generations of Americas best black comedians (Foxx, Pryor, Murphy) along with a great supporting cast (excepting a poor performance by Arsenio Hall) including Charlie Murphy (RIP) hovering and underused. Panned by critics but loved by fans, this film is a classic.
really?! this was panned by critics?! that stuns me, I went in watching this having the lowest expectations in the world because for me Red Foxx alot of his stuff hasn’t aged well, Richard Pryor same thing but prefer him as a stand up comic then then the films he starred in and Eddie Murphy I’m just not a huge fan of his films or stand up, but this was an incredible film and ALMOST flawless. to hell with the critics who can praise Richard Pryor if he’s in a movie with Gene Wilder, or Eddy Murphy’s Beverly Hills Cops and his first two stand up shows, but not this film which was brilliant written and acted. 5 stars or 10 stars and two thumbs up for me this film