Jurassic Punk (2022)
Surly 6 points 2 months ago*.
  • edited to add an actual review of the film
    This is an excellent documentary showing how Hollywood treats ground breaking talent when the artist in question doesn’t fit the Hollywood mold.

I was so surprised when I saw this doc. I actually knew Steve Williams in college. In 1983 he was a year ahead of me in animation at Sheridan college in Oakville Ontario. I didn’t know him well, I knew his brother Harland better, but I hung out with that crowd and went to their crazy parties. Yeah, he was a punk. If I recall correctly he knocked himself out in a mosh pit at one of the parties. Went to slam a guy and slammed the wall instead. The guys were all like that though. No one was mean spirited, they were just kinda crazy. But funny crazy. We were teenagers and very young adults havin a blast.

Apparently he didn’t mature much over the years but still, not getting recognition for the amazing, ground breaking work he did on this film is a travesty. He should have been on that stage getting the award. Hollywood sucks. :(

BubbaPharm.com 3 points 2 months ago.

Thanks for the anecdote.