Chimp Crazy (2024)
magically_delicious 8 points 2 months ago*.

I’m unsure how to express my dismay and disgust at these humans and their definition of what is wholesome and loving for another animal species. The DNA doesn’t make us psychologically identical or even close. Chimpanzees are wild animals, even captive bred. I grew up with a family that kept a chimp and a lemur. I was always disgusted at their cavalier attitude and disregard of the “loved one” being kept in a cage, and what that does to any sentient being. I’m hugely against this craze. These people are nuts. Why not allow them to be in a sanctuary, if you claim love for them? It seems this is another one sided argument with humans changing the goal posts to suit their own egos.

Merrigan Able 1 points 2 months ago.

Yes, definite nutbars. I feel quite cynical about the ‘Dolly Parton of chimps’ her motivation$ $eem dubious.
Hope I’m long dead before I see a world where ‘in captivity’ is the only place left for these beautiful animals.