Reagan (2024)
grasshopper rex 15 points 1 month ago.

Iran-Contra, armed and trained the Afghan warlords that would go on to form Al-Qaeda. Tax cuts for the wealthy that caused a budget deficit, and he later had to roll back. Oh, and he robbed social security to pay for those shortfalls. Deregulation that caused a savings and loan collapse taxpayers had to pay for. The Reagan administration was responsible for slashing mental health spending and dumping the unwell on the streets. Supported dictators as long as they weren’t communists. Supported Apartheid. Thought AIDS was a punishment from god, so he did nothing to combat an epidemic killing thousands. The most corrupt administration in US history until a recent ex-president said hold my beer. The Reagan era marked the beginning of the end for the American Dreams of the middle class. Not a good legacy.

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