Bombshell (2019)
Crazyfool187x -11 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

“True to the story”- what the hell do you know about the truth of the story? Do you know Megan Kelley? Did you work for Fox? You don’t know truth about shit. Stop watching liberal-media, and taking it at face-value. God, you are such a tool. 5 companies own 95% of all media, news, social-sites, papers, blogs, and search engines. 4/5 are openly announcedas democratic. Fox has done an Overhaul over the past few years. I have a formal degree in Media-Literacy; from taking multiple Sociology and Critical-Thinking courses, from a ‘democratic’ school. Educate yourself! The Democratic Party is NOT what it used to be, before the 70’s…It is the party of corporate-greed, and selling-out the American-People now. They (Democrates/Hillary) gave MILLIONS to Iran, a country which condems its women, and stones them to death, yet they addvocate for Womens Rights?!? China has been growing at the expense of America for over 25 years. Want proof? Go into any fucking store, and see where 90% of the products come from. The democrats sold us out. High-Paying production jobs are overseas now, and the NBA + others are PANDERING to a COMMUNIST China, afraid to say anything that will lighten their wallets. I’m not ‘gun-hoe’ for the Republican Party either. I’m an Independent/Libertarian. Our Government is bought and owned by Corporations. ONLY when the American people wake up and educate themselves will we be free of this tyranny. The Red and Blue ‘pill’ are two sides of the same coin. Unlike ‘Progessives’ on college campus’ these days, I will not wish for you to die, or want your throat slit. I only hope you can educate yourself, and join me in being a truely free American. The lesser of two evils is truely better. Trump 2020!!

Crazyfool187x -2 points 1 month ago.

Damn this post aged so well. Look how the last 4 years have gone. 2 new wars, inflation, border crisis, and the elected president, who has dementia, was replaced by a DEI hire who got ZERO votes in the primaries. Talk about democracy, right?

Contrary to what the downvotes say, this site is clearly moderated by free-speech hating liberals. No free thought here, or on YouTube, or Facebook, etc etc. Zuckerberg just came out the other day and admitted that he was pressured to hide certain information before the 2020 election. “The truth shall come to light”.

The liberal media always lies about how Trump supporters are dangerous? LOL a demon-crat literally just tried to assassinate Trump. I haven’t met very many violent independents, moderates, or libertarians, but I’ve met VERY many violent “liberals”. I always thought they were supposed to be the party of acceptance and tolerance? Oh, but only if you agree with them. I wish no ill will on anyone. God bless you all, and may God have mercy on your souls. Lord knows you’re gonna need it.