Bombshell (2019)
nowt 3 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Welcome! I’m disinclined to unpack that as well. Compositionally, both your posts either Frankenstein outright fallacies or are inextricably contextualized by, and I’m not really in the mood to vivisect the deluge of it all that kindly [forex: chastisement for using money to create an environment by which equality [or democracy; or education] might thrive, when one wouldn’t spend that same amount in the same way were it already thriving, and not acknowledging that that is also relatively more peaceful a persuasion than outright force, is… and so on]. Anyway, my best to your professors; they need all the help they can get. Disengage!

Crazyfool187x 1 points 1 month ago.

Basically, you just told me you’re too lazy to challenge your own beliefs and reality. Your word-salad meant nothing. No sustenance. You are disengaged. Disengaged with critical thought, willingness to accept when your ignorant, or wrong, and, most importantly, disengaged from reality.

My post aged so well. Look how the last 4 years have gone. Affirmative action is racism. DEI hiring is everywhere. How do you think Kamala got to be the candidate? They accuse the other side of what they do.

The demon-crats said Trump would start WW3. He started none, they are involved with 2, currently. that’s 0-1. They say Trump is a threat to democracy, Kamala didn’t receive a single vote in the DNC primaries. That’s 0-2. Also, we are not a democracy, we are a constitutional republic. Democracies are easily corruptible and fail.

I consider myself an independent/libertarian. I USED to consider myself a democrat, until I got an education. It’s as one of my old professors used to say, “When you’re young, you vote with your heart. When you’re older, and wiser, you vote with your brain.” I understand how Trump rubs people the wrong way. I personally don’t like the guy. He’s pompous, and rude, and speaks like an idiot, BUT his policies are better for America. He stands up to foreign adversaries. He is America 1st. I’ll pick the lesser of two evils any day. It’s not like I’m ever gonna meet the guy, or have him over to my house for dinner.

I want a strong, competent leader. You want to “feel” good. Facts over feelings, my friend. I don’t call anyone on here names BTW. IDK where you got that from. Maybe you should understand the allegory of “The Cave”, because that’s where you are.

Again, my post aged beautifully. Trump was already president for 4 years. We saw energy independence, no new wars, allies paying their fair share, a booming economy, and safe(r) cities. The news may try and gaslight us, but I know how my wallet feels.

If you can’t take unpacking a little common sense, then maybe you should go get your kool-aid, and stick your head back in the sand.