Bad Monkey (2024) S1 E3
Rodreko 2 points 3 months ago.

I like this show. That’s the great thing about the emergence of streaming platforms. Shows that would otherwise not be made because the big networks turn their nose up at them, get a chance to be made on these other platforms. Of course, that also means that they make some steaming shit-piles that should never have seen the light of day, but it’s a tradeoff worth making. PS. If you have a wound anyplace on your body that looks like that, especially when it was made by an animal bite, you’re going to need more than a few hasty stitches and calling it good. Also, who doesn’t listen to music straight from there phone so they will hear an incoming call. I don’t know the last time I saw someone listening to music that wasn’t on their phone. Please don’t charge a weapon, especially a semi-auto pistol, with your finger on the trigger. That’s how you get a negligent discharge. Have to be honest; did not see that coming and I couldn’t be happier. Most shows are so obvious. Good stuff.