Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014) S11 E18
dampyiel2200 1 points 1 month ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Yeah I was going to add that to my comment
That’s what I’ve heard mostly our strongest ally in the region. But the crap they are doing there seems evil. cant they still be our ally if we tell them to stop killing all these people. I get hamas is an extremist group . But everyone there is not hamas. That’s like saying all Americans are school shooters. And thank you for your input hopefully other people will comment also.
Oh yeah I played axis and allies when I was younger all I can remember about it is that it took hours to set up lol.

uuman 0 points 1 month ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Because it’s not as simple as who was killed today or yesterday. Or even last year or the last decade. Heck, it goes back before Israel was even (re-)established. And the reality is, you can’t HONESTLY argue that one side has any more rights to the land or that one side is more guilty than the other. The closest thing would be comparing it to the US forcing Natives onto reservations, just to forcibly move them again because the land was determined to have value. Except this time, two very adversarial nations were placed into the same plot of land they’ve been fighting over for millennia.

It’s not as simple as the US needing an ally in the region, either. Antisemitism is becoming more prevalent by the day due to people who are too dumb to realize they don’t know enough propagating bs they don’t begin to understand. Israel was founded bc it was determined pretty much universally that for Jews to continue to exist, they needed their own land and continued support. It just so happened one of the losing parties was on the land that had violently been stripped from the Jews to begin with.

Anyway, the simple truth is, you can’t successfully wage a guerilla war (or any war) w/o killing civilians. There are those who are sided with the opposition and there are those that will be forced to side with the opposition. From Israel’s perspective, which is better - to kill the enemy while countless civilians and your own soldiers die in the encounter or do you just kill the civilians and the enemy soldiers? It’s callous, but it’s not wrong. They COULD potentially save a minority of the civilians dragged into the crossfire, but at a heavy cost to their own forces. The job of a government is to protect it’s own citizens, including and probably especially their own soldiers, not those of an enemy state. That’s before confronting things like Stockholm syndrome, where some of those civilians you saved turn against you despite your best efforts, bolstering the enemy forces. It’s a no-win situation, which is why EVERY modern war is now fought as a guerilla war.

Even world powers like Russia struggle to win guerilla wars despite generally not being too worried about killing civilians. They try just barely hard enough not to kill civilians so as not to start WWIII. Israel itself knows it’s not a threat on that scale and the leadership is willing to suffer the repercussions of doing what they have deemed is necessary to protect their citizens in the long-term. This conflict started before those leaders were born and would otherwise persist long after they pass. Those leaders might be arrested or even put to death, but there isn’t a country even loosely allied to the West that won’t enforce things as they stand once this conflict is over.

And to be pragmatic, the US pulling support would be no better than us nuking the entirety of the region. EVERYONE would invade, Palestine would still fall, and everyone else would fight for the rights to the land due to the perceived power of holding such sacred land. The rest of the Islamic world does not care about the Palestinians or Palestine, as they continue to repetitively and routinely deny them any form of aid. The Palestinians lost full control of their faiths most sacred holy site and they would need to reclaim all of Israel for much of the region to be willing to accept them again.

To compound issues, once Israel fell in this scenario, Russia itself would very likely pursue the land or attempt to prop up its own puppet state for many reasons. China and N Korea theoretically might too, but Russia would have more legitimate reasons for its pursuit. Israel falling would almost certainly kick off WWIII at this point.

That’s just scatching the surface of the issues of the Israel/Palestine conflict. We don’t like and we don’t approve of what Israel is doing, but this has become a proxy war to prevent a chain reaction leading to WWIII. At this point, this conflict is the most complex issue humanity is dealing with.