Presumed Innocent (2024)
jimbobaway 0 points 1 month ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Season 1 Review 3/5
This show has potential but man some of the things in this show don’t really make any sense, especially in the last episode. First couple episodes are great but then it just starts to feel like they are dragging us along with poor/uninteresting characters, then finally in the last couple episodes you start to get excited about finding out about who killed Carolyn and when you find out its pretty disappointing. That being said the actors did the best that could have done with that script but changing a few things in the show would have made this a 5/5 for me.
First we start with Barbara, if she was the killer most things would have made sense, why would she stay with this POS that was cheating on her for years then starts to treat her even worse after she finds out het cheated. Her reasoning for staying is for the family/kids, like first off the kids are 14-16, they are old enough to understand the separation/divorce and then add on the fact that he might have killed someone, the relationship should of been over whether he was guilty or not. So now at that point we are thinking okay, she must be the killed her, since that’s the only “Logically” reason she would stay right? Nope the daughter randomly comes in and tells them it was her.
Rusty & Barbara were shocked just like the rest of us, which is why i think people are rating this higher than they should since its kinda a stupid ending. Seems like we are expected to think that Jaden didn’t leave any DNA/Fingerprints at the scene or when breaking into Tommy’s house, showed no killer tendencies, no one checked her cellphone/Gps history (That would’ve been tied to Rusty since he was paying for it) or that this 16 year old is capable of cold blooded murder to a stranger. These things just don’t make sense to me, it would have been better if they showed killer tendencies with multiple people in the filler episodes, like showing Tommy stalking Carolyn, show us Barbara actually despising Carolyn when looking at her pictures, show Jaden doing/saying weird thing or being dissociated etc…If they continue season 2 with the same writing format but without the same cast, its going to be terrible, if they keep the same cast it will be alright but not great.